

Tomiko Kuhara, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Kanazawa Medical University
Director, Japan Clinical Metabolomics Institute
Hamakita I 13-2, Kahoku-city, Ishikawa, 9291174 Japan
TEL: +81-76-254-1651,
TEL & FAX: +81- 76-254-1663
E-mail: jcmi-kuhara@bell.ocn.ne.jp
E-mail: kuhara@kanazawa-med.ac.jp


Generally testing at a metabolomics laboratory requires approx. 100 to 300 dollars per disease. JCMI testing can reveal the presence or absence of more than 100 diseases in one test, which is very low cost beyond comparison. JCMI testing also requires only a few days while general laboratories require one week to one month.

Research background

Last but not least, the director of JCMI has written papers regarding metabolomics that have been published in international journals for almost 20 years, and has been cited frequently by researchers around the world such as the FDA in the United States, Max Plank Institute in Germany etc. The accuracy of JCMI's chemical diagnosis for inborn errors of metabolism is highly evaluated all over the world.

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